Get rewarded for the important work you are already doing

Your business may be eligible for an R&D tax credit of up to $500,000.

What is the R&D Tax Credit

The R&D Tax Credit is an incentive available to businesses that conduct research and development activities in the United States. This lucrative tax credit is available to businesses of all sizes. If you business develops new products, improves existing products, develops software, or improves manufacturing processes, then you may be eligible for the R&D Tax Credit. Businesses across many industries – including technology, software, ecommerce, pharma, and more – can qualify for the credit.

We’re experts in R&D Tax Credits

MVO helps you maximize your credit while minimizing the burden on your business so you can get back to doing what you do best.

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Case Study

Boost profitability or fund innovation through the skillful application of federal and state R&D tax credits.


AI startup with 5 full time software engineers and 2 US based contractors


2022 Payroll


2022 Contractor Costs


2022 Cloud-computing Costs


2022 R&D Tax Credit

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions

The credit for increasing research activities (under IRC Sec. 41), commonly known as the “R&D Tax Credit”, is a federal benefit that provides companies with cash savings for performing activities related to the development, design, or implementation of products, processes, formulas, or software. The R&D Tax Credit can provide your business with much needed cash to increase R&D spend, hire additional employees, make capital investments, etc. The credit is available across a wide variety of industries, including aerospace, automotive, chemical, manufacturing, food & beverage, life sciences, software development, and more.

If your business incurs expenditures to develop new or improved products, processes, software, techniques, or formulations then you may qualify for the R&D Tax Credit. The MVO team is here to help to determine your eligible for the credit.

The amount of the R&D Tax Credit that your business can claim varies based on a variety of factors, including the amount of qualified expenditures, historic R&D spend, and calculation method. As a rule of thumb, the credit amount is typically 5% to 15% of qualifying R&D spend. There is no limit to the credit amount when applying it against federal income taxes, however, business that are applying it to payroll taxes can receive a credit of up to $500,000 (starting in 2023).

Yes! You can file an amended federal income tax return to claime the R&D Tax Credit retroactively for theprior 3 tax years.

Yes! If your business is not profitable, has been in business for less than 5 years, and has less than $5 million in gross receipts for the credit year, you can use the credit to offset up to $500k of payroll taxes starting in 2023. You can also carryforward unused R&D Tax Credits until you have regular federal income tax liability.

MVO can assist your business with all aspects of claiming R&D Tax Credits, including:

  • Identify and calculate qualifying R&D expenditures
  • Prepare IRS forms required to claim the credit (i.e., Forms 6765, 8974, and 941)
  • Prepare all IRS required supporting technical and financial documentation, including qualifying R&D time, payroll expenses, etc.
  • Coordinate with your CPA or tax prepared to ensure the credit is claimed correctly
Yes! MVO can support you in case of a future audit.

The rules for calculating and supporting an R&D Tax Credit claim are complex and change frequently. It is important for businesses to hire a qualified professional to assist them in navigating this complexity.

Yes! Currently there are 33 states that offer an R&D credit. Generally, the states follow federal guidelines on what constitutes a qualified R&D expenditure with a few exceptions. MVO can assist you with identifying and claiming any state level credits applicable to your business.